Naturopath, Nutritionist & Tapping Practitioner
Hi, I'm Michaela Hope
Helping mid-life women who are struggling with digestive issues has become my mission. We get to the root cause of their symptoms and, as they learn how to listen to their gut, their overall health improves. I love it when my clients ditch their depressing gut grumbles! They learn to love their gut, how to choose the right foods for them so they have more energy and feel amazing! They sleep better, are more resilient and no longer stress over gut reactions.
Initially, many clients don’t realise they have digestive issues but signs your gut is unhealthy can look like bad moods; food cravings (like carbs or sugar); unhealthy habits; stress; frequent colds and infections; skin complaints; weight changes; allergies or joint pain and more.

Healthy gut
Healthy you
It's my passionate belief that your gut is the foundation of your health - the bricks of your temple, the fuel for your car. It's central to your mental and physical wellbeing. Go with your gut if you want improved immunity, digestion, focus and balance.
Honestly, my Listen to your Gut transformation programmes aren’t about me waving a magic wand and ‘hey presto’…
Your commitment and effort are required - but remember, it’s ‘I’m Possible’ not ‘impossible’.

My Story
I understand. I've been there &
I can help you.
Growing up I saw family members struggle with various chronic medical conditions, taking a cocktail of pharmaceuticals. On experiencing foot pain and years later, breathing issues, I chose to take back control and resolved both with a Naturopath’s support. We focused on the root cause, my gut health, transforming it naturally, with diet & lifestyle, no medications.
This influenced the way I later supported my children's health, naturally, using nutrition, homeopathy and herbal medicine or cranio-sacral therapy, osteopathy and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). I know how busy and stressful this life phase is for mums especially.
Eating well was instilled in me, but my fascination with Nutrition began during my teens, when I learned during Food & Nutrition lessons that severe nutrient deficiencies caused diseases, like Kwashiorkor, Pellagra or Rickets. However, I only realised nutrition and naturopathic philosophy were my calling when I became a mother and understood how easily mums can start to prioritise everyone else's needs before their own, leaving little time for self-care. Challenging personal circumstances plunged me into a mix of grief, stress and emotional upheaval, until a chance encounter guided me to look into chakras.
On discovering Yoga and subsequently, other Energy Medicines such as EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques); Modern Energy Tapping; Jikiden Reiki; Rose Alchemy and Pranic Healing, my energy shifted. I found each of these modalities uniquely supportive, on emotional and physical levels. Studying these practices and gaining these qualifications became a spiritual journey. Encouraged, I enrolled on The Hippocrates Lifestyle Transformation course but wanted more depth, so pursued Nutritional Therapy & Naturopathy (at last)! Completing both Diplomas with The College of Naturopathic Medicine (CNM), I couldn’t resist adding another fascinating tool, Iridology, to my now extensive toolkit!
Today, as a registered Naturopath, specialising in Nutrition, I’m uniquely able to combine Iridology analyses with Energy Medicine (mainly Tapping) in my client practice.

My Approach
The power of Holistic Medicine is unique
Understanding your specific health goals alongside any symptoms is important for the whole picture
This is an investigatory process, as I look for the root cause of your symptoms. A full case history is taken during your initial consultation, requiring your medical history, symptoms, diet & lifestyle and specific health goals. Together, we agree a plan which fits with your lifestyle - my recommendations are evidence-based. Subsequent reviews can feel like peeling back the layers of an onion, one by one, as other symptoms or issues may appear.
I combine coaching strategies to keep you accountable and on track, with Energy Tapping (EFT) for stress management and emotional blocks, if necessary. There is a proven Gut-Brain connection after all!
Some women appreciate a little feminine wisdom or soul sisterhood – Rose Alchemy may be useful.
I live in beautiful, rural Northumberland where both walks and beaches are my inspiration.
Most of my client consultations are online, which enables me to work with you, wherever we are.