Often called ‘windows to the soul’, it's fairly well known that eyes can give away a lot of information about us. For example, about our state of health and vitality, as indicated by tired, bloodshot or eyes with dark circles under them. In Indian Ayurvedic tradition, eye colour denotes part of a person's dosha or constitution, whilst the Chinese use the shape, size and set of the eyes to identify health tendencies.
Constitutional iridology is defined as the study and analysis of the coloured part of the eye, or ‘iris’ - the plural of which is irides. An iridologist interprets factors which might be relevant in the prevention and treatment of disease, in order to attain optimum health. Iridologists study the textures, colours and markings in the irides, which are unique to each of us – did you know there are roughly 200 differentiating signs which may be ‘mapped’ in the average iris? They’re more uniquely reliable than finger-prints. Fascinating!
Mapping the characteristics in a patient's irides reveals valuable information about that individual’s constitutional strengths and weaknesses. This helps practitioners to pinpoint the origin of health issues, informing their analysis and conclusions when deciding upon the most suitable therapeutic plans. The patient develops their awareness of what they can do to help themselves too.
The irides are categorized into 3 main colour types:
the blue-eyed constitution or the Lymphatic Type (common in northern Europe)
the pure brown-eyed constitution or the Haematogenic Type (common in those of Mediterranean; Middle Eastern; African & Indian origin) and
a combination of the two (part blue; part brown), known as the Mixed Biliary Type (where the person inherits the strengths and weaknesses of both constitutions).
Although the link between iris colour and heredity is medically acknowledged, it's rarely utilised in practice. I enjoy implementing this fascinating, invaluable tool.
Why Iridology and how can it help you?
Complementary to the other modalities I practice, iridology provides vital information required to establish the root cause of ailments, revealing information about:
the body’s genetic strengths and weaknesses
levels of inflammation and toxaemia
the efficiency of the eliminative systems and organs.
Iridologists do not diagnose disease, however it does enable us to get behind the symptoms, the underlying causes. A full Case history is still required and includes:
actual confirmed diagnoses with presenting symptoms
personal & family medical history
secondary symptoms which may suggest underlying pathologies (e.g. low blood sugar, sometimes a precursor for diabetes)
potential stress and/or emotional factors
is an effective assessment tool because patients can see the characteristics in their irides as mapped, highlighted and explained by the practitioner
improves communication between patient and practitioner, as the map of their irides provides a useful visual for the patient
promotes understanding which makes it easier to comply with the recommended health plan
leads to improved success and more effective practice
is a safe, non-invasive analytical science, which can be integrated with my programmes & packages. One of the benefits of iridology is that it can reveal many aspects of an individual’s health. An iris analysis may suggest that where there is a problem, more than one organ may be involved or that some emotional or mental element exists. The iridologist can then offer more appropriate advice, giving the patient several treatment options. An iridology assessment provides valuable information which not only affirms the uniqueness of each individual, it empowers that individual to manage his or her own health.